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The importance of the text on the packaging

Do you think that the body copy, the headline and the copywriting in general are made by the creative? Or do you think that at the end it will be enough writing something, but it is not important defining what? If your answers are “YES”, and you...

Packaging Bio and the importance of the environment

Italian companies have finally understood that customers, always considered as simple “voyeurs”, in reality today they can influence significantly the decisions and the actions of companies in terms of market approach. It is an epochal trend, in which today we can define the market a kind...

How to use the cross selling to sell more products

If I had to give a definition about the concept of cross-selling I would say it is the technique used to generate additional sales and increase margins. It is such an old technique, 50 years ago the delicatessen in Italy while they were wrapping the ham...

When the move to conquer the market is in the packaging

The stories about the greatest entrepreneurs are made of courageous choices. Brilliant insights that radically changed the consumer’s habits. These are the entrepreneurs I define as explorers since they discovered virgin territories creating life to new civilizations. <<They dug where nobody thought there was petroleum>> It is not...

Can the packaging convert the consumer into a customer?

Every agency on the market is able to give you a creative and accurate solution for your packaging. But is this what you really need? All products on the market have reached a high standard of realization, but despite the creativity and the attention to details, more...

Packaging and environment: the questions we should wonder

The packaging is the part of the product which is thrown away after the use. It is therefore responsibility of those who design and produce packaging as well as of those who commission the realization, considering carefully how to reduce a minimum useless waste and the...

International Packaging Positioning [Chinese – Case History]

When I thought to the project of Packaging in Italy, I thought to an international agency which could develop itself in a global market, absolutely not just Italian or European, but an agency that could collaborate with customers from all over the world. Actually when I...