The packaging that sells delights the critics too
This morning, I write about packaging, results and creativity because the award ceremony which was held right last night saw us as main protagonists and represents one of that big awarding moments where, to the commercial success on shelves follows a recognition by insiders. This is what is called critics feedback in other sectors.
Brand Identity Grand Prix
This is the award dedicated to the brand design and to visual communication which each year awards the best identity projects of brand and strategic design.
We were present also last year when we received the award for “Il Pagnotto”, which was awarded in the Food Packaging category.
It has been a pleasure to take part to it again this year, thanks to a project that I have mentioned several times in my blog.
We have taken part to this project with the restyling of one of the historic food brands in Italy.
I am referring to “Gennaro Auricchio Spa” and to the work we have carried out starting from the sweet and spicy Provolone cheese slices, expanding the restyling to all products line in order to level out the brand identity. I have explained it in details in this video.
“To get a high recognisability and a fair positioning on our brand market thanks to a simple packaging was our goal, and the team of Packaging in Italy worked right in this direction.” – Alberto Auricchio
Ieri sera, alla XX edizione del Brand Identity Grand Prix per il packaging di Auricchio (Il Provolone) realizzato per Gennaro Auricchio Spa ci è stato conferito il primo premio nella categoria Product Identity.
Un premio importante che al di là della felicità e dell’orgoglio per un riconoscimento simile ci ricorda come sia davvero possibile lavorare nella direzione che soddisfa le esigenze del mercato (un prodotto scelto dai consumatori che genera vendite) continuando allo stesso tempo a fare ricerca, innovazione per innalzare il livello estetico di ogni singolo packaging.
È questo il lavoro che svolgiamo ogni giorno in agenzia sviluppando per i nostri clienti packaging pensati per vendere senza trascurare l’impatto estetico.

In 1996 enters in the world of marketing, in 1999 founded Ardigia Marketing Funzionale (Ardigia Functional Marketing), in 2013 founded Packaging in Italy, Design Agency for Packaging Positioning™